In 2016, Nike launched its "I Believe" campaign in Cleveland, Ohio to coincide with the Cleveland Cavaliers' run in the NBA playoffs. The campaign featured a series of experiential activations and marketing efforts designed to rally support for the team and encourage fans to believe in their ability to win.


One key component of the campaign was the creation of a pop-up shop in Cleveland's downtown area. The shop, which was open for a limited time only, offered exclusive Nike merchandise, such as t-shirts and hats featuring the "I Believe" slogan. The shop also featured interactive elements, including a virtual reality experience that allowed fans to experience the excitement of a live game from the perspective of their favorite players.


In addition to the pop-up shop, Nike also executed a series of experiential marketing events around the city. These events included a street basketball tournament, a mural painting project, and a series of "I Believe" rallies, which brought together fans and local celebrities to show their support for the team.


To further engage fans and generate buzz around the campaign, Nike also leveraged social media and digital marketing efforts. The company created a dedicated "I Believe" hashtag and encouraged fans to share their own messages of support using the hashtag. Nike also ran a series of digital ads featuring Cleveland Cavaliers players and the "I Believe" slogan.