

To kick off the campaign, Underdogs developed a striking logo and visual identity for FutureLAND, which was used across all marketing materials, including social media, video, and the conference website. The logo, which featured a stylized city skyline with bold and vibrant colors, effectively captured the energy and innovation of the event.


Next, Underdogs created a comprehensive social media strategy to generate buzz and drive ticket sales. The team utilized a mix of paid and organic promotion across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to reach a wide and diverse audience. The campaign also included targeted influencer marketing, which helped to further amplify the message and generate additional interest.


In addition to social media, Underdogs also produced a series of high-quality videos to promote the conference. These videos, which highlighted the event's keynote speakers, workshops, and other activities, were used across social media and the conference website to give potential attendees a glimpse into what they could expect from the event. The FutureLAND website, which was also designed and developed by Underdogs, served as a central hub for all conference information and was optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. The site was easy to navigate and provided detailed information about the conference schedule, speakers, and ticket options.


The combined efforts of Underdogs' marketing, social media, video, creative, branding, logo design, and website development efforts resulted in a successful first year for the FutureLAND conference. The event was well-attended and received positive feedback from attendees, speakers, and sponsors alike. Underdogs' strategic approach and attention to detail helped to establish FutureLAND as a premier event in the art, tech, culture, and diversity space, positioning it for continued success in the future.